If you are dissatisfied with the Services of the Government Flying Service (GFS), you can lodge a complaint against GFS in the following ways:

By Phone: 1823
By Fax: (852) 2753 8438
By Mail: Government Flying Service
18 South Perimeter Road
Hong Kong International Airport
Hong Kong
By E-mail: gfsenq@gfs.gov.hk

As a general rule, public complaints would be handled promptly and that replies would be sent within a reasonable timeframe.

If you make a complaint against the GFS:

  • (via 1823) An acknowledgement will be sent to 1823 within 3 working days of the complaint being received by the GFS.
    (Via other channels) An acknowledgement will be sent to you within 10 calendar days of the complaint being received by the GFS, stating that a full reply will be provided soon or the case has been referred to the relevant Bureau/Department or agency for a direct reply as appropriate;
  • We aim to complete all complaint investigations for reply within 30 calendar days of receipt of the complaint;
  • For complicated cases requiring longer processing time, you will be informed every month of the progress of the case, and the reason why a longer time is needed.
  • If there are any reasons which preclude us from disclosing further information, such as operation details of Law Enforcement Operations or disclose of which might affect judicial proceedings, complainant will be informed of the reasons as appropriate.

Personal Information Collection Statement

The personal data provided by means of this form will be used by the Government Flying Service to process your enquiries and to follow up on your comments. You are required to provide your name and e-mail address. If you do not provide sufficient information, we may not be able to follow up on your enquiries and comments. The personal data you provided may be disclosed to other Government departments and agencies for the above purposes.

Personal Data Access or Correction Requests

You have a right of access and correct the personal data provided under Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. If you wish to exercise these rights with respect to your personal data provided by this form, please contact:

Personal Data Privacy Officer
Deputy Departmental Secretary (1)
Government Flying Service
18 South Perimeter Road
Hong Kong International Airport
Hong Kong
Tel No.: (852) 2305 8208
Fax No.: (852) 2624 9279
E-mail: gfspr@gfs.gov.hk

You may submit the form by post to the above mail address or by electronic mail to the above email address.

It is Government's established policy objective to provide a barrier-free environment for persons with disabilities with a view to enabling them to access to premises and make use of the facilities and services therein on an equal basis with others, thereby facilitating them to live independently and fully integrate into the community.

To facilitate Government-wide collaborated efforts in enhancing the accessibility of Government premises and facilities, the Government has established an Access Co-ordinator and Access Officer Scheme. An Access Co-ordinator is responsible for co-ordinating accessibility issues within individual bureau or department, whereas an Access Officer is responsible for, among other things, offering assistance to persons with disabilities in access to the venue under his/her management and using the services and facilities therein, and handling public enquiries and complaints regarding accessibility issues for the venue.

For enquiries or comments on the accessibility of premises, facilities and services of the Government Flying Service, please contact our Access Co-ordinator and Access Officer at:

Access Co-ordinator

Capt. Yip Wai Hung, Samuel
Chief Pilot (Corporate Safety)
Tel No.: (852) 2305 8207
Fax No.: (852) 2753 9327
Email: samuelyip@gfs.gov.hk

Access Officer

Ms. CHAN Cheuk-lee
Assistant Departmental Secretary
Tel No.: (852) 2305 8205
Fax No.: (852) 2753 8438
Email: cclchan@gfs.gov.hk

Barrier-free Facilities

Currently, the following barrier-free facilities are provided at the GFS Headquarters and Kai Tak Division:

  • Accessible parking space
  • Accessible toilet
  • Barrier-free entrance
  • Barrier-free ramp