The swift passing of the Severe Tropical Storm Nalgae in November (2022) has drawn the attention of the general public for causing a hoisting of typhoon signal number 8 during such a rare time of the year. Meanwhile, it has prompted our Challenger 605 aircraft to explore its core in the attempts to collect weather data for HKO's forecasting work.

Collecting weather data through deploying dropsondes near a typhoon is a complex and high risk task. Pilots need special training and to gain prior experience and skills from various missions. Before and during the flight, our crew members need to conduct risk assessments of various factors affecting the flight, such as the route, flight altitude and possible weather hazards.

Overseas news has reported that Nalgae has battered the Philippines earlier, killing more than 130 people as torrential rains swept the country and triggered deadly mudslides.

We must not underestimate the damages that may be brought on by a Tropical Cyclone. In response, GFS's crew members are committed to working closely with the HKO in order to provide the most accurate and suitable weather reconnaissance service as possible for the Observatory's analysis.
