Statement of Policy

The Government Flying Service respects personal data privacy and is committed to ensuring that all personal data are handled in compliance with the data protection principles and all relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance ("the Ordinance").

Statement of Practices

Kinds of Personal Data Held

The Government Flying Service holds the following types of personal data -

(i) Employment-related Personal Data on Serving Officers and Former Employees, which include personal and family particulars, education and qualifications, employment history, salary and allowances, participation in Mandatory Provident Fund and Civil Service Provident Fund schemes, terms and conditions of service, training, housing, medical records, leave and passages, investments, outside employment, appraisal reports, conduct and discipline, commendation, retirement and pension, records and log sheets of work and attendance, etc.

(ii) Employment-related Personal Data on Recruitment and Appointment, which include personal particulars of applicants for appointment to grades and posts under the control of the department.

(iii) Operation-related Personal Data, which include personal data collected in connection with the operations of the Government Flying Service, e.g. applicants for GFS Tenant Restricted Area Permanent and Temporary Permits, patients handled during casualty evacuation, etc.

(iv) Other Records, which include members of the public who make requests under the Code on Access to Information and the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance or make enquiries or complaints to the department.

Purposes of Keeping Personal Data

The main purposes of keeping the personal data are as follows –

(i) Personal Data of Current and Former Employees are held for a wide range of employment-related purposes including appointments, integrity checking, postings and transfers, offer/renewal/extension of agreement, incremental credit, training and career development, revision of terms or conditions of service, promotion, discipline, continuation in or removal from office, pensions and provision of testimonials, etc.

(ii) Personal Data of Applicants for Appointment are held to facilitate assessment of suitability for appointment.

(iii) Operation-related Personal Data are kept for the purposes of carrying out various operations and maintaining security of the restricted areas under the purview of the department.

(iv) Other Records are kept for various purposes which vary according to the nature of the records, such as dealing with enquiries or complaints from members of the public.

Implementation of Practices

The Chief Pilot (Operations) ("CP(Ops)") is responsible for overall monitoring and supervising compliance with the Ordinance within the Government Flying Service and relevant codes of practice issued by the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data.

Data Access/Correction Request

Requests for access to or correction of personal data held by the Government Flying Service may be made in Chinese or English either on a request form specified by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, which is available at "", or by letter. Requests should be addressed to -

Deputy Departmental Secretary (1),
Personal Data Privacy Officer,
Government Flying Service,
18 South Perimeter Road,
Hong Kong International Airport,
Hong Kong.

Requests for data access will normally be processed within 40 days of receipt.


A charge will be imposed to cover the cost of photocopying personal data at the current standard charges or as otherwise provided for or approved by the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury.