Application for Inclusion in the Lists of GFS Suppliers/Service Providers

  1. Suppliers/Service Providers are welcome to apply for inclusion in the List of GFS Suppliers/Service Providers. They can download the application form for more details.

    Download Application form (pdf file)

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    Remarks: The current fleet includes Bombardier CL605 Challenger fixed-wing aircraft, Diamond DA42 fixed-wing aircraft, Airbus Helicopters AS332 L2 (Super Puma L2) helicopter, Airbus Helicopters EC155 B1 (EC155) helicopter and Airbus Helicopters H175 helicopter.

  2. Applications received will be processed by the Department. Subject to confirmation of their credentials, those firms that are found acceptable will be included in the List of GFS Suppliers/Service Providers. To continue staying in the List, suppliers/service providers have to demonstrate their abilities to offer competitive tenders and maintain satisfactory performance in connection with any order(s) or contract(s) which they have been awarded. The GFS reserves the right to review the status of a firm as a GFS Supplier/Service Provider in the light of any new information that may affect such status and remove a firm from the List at any time without prior notice and without compensation.
  3. Invitations to bid for the supply of the category(ies) of goods or services will be issued to suppliers/service providers on the List by rotation, as and when opportunities arise. Interested parties can contact the following officer for enquiries relating to application and tendering matters:

    Controller, Government Flying Service,
    (Attn. : Supplies Officer)
    18 South Perimeter Road,
    Hong Kong International Airport,
    Lantau, Hong Kong.
    Fax No.: (852) 2753 8433
    E-mail Address:


  1. The List of GFS Suppliers/Service Providers ("List") maintained by the GFS are intended for mailing purposes (where applicable) only. None of the Lists or GFS"s notifications of tender invitation for the supply of goods or services ("Notifications") shall give rise to any right or expectation on the part of the suppliers/service providers on the List ("Suppliers/Service Providers") or any obligation on the part of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ("Government"). The Government makes no statement, representation or warranty (express or implied) to Suppliers/Service Providers that the Notifications or any of them will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error free. For open tenders, the Suppliers/Service Providers should read the tender notices published in the Government Gazette, the website of the Government Logistics Department and this website.
  2. The Government shall not in any event be liable to any Suppliers/Service Providers for any loss or damage whatsoever arising out of or in relation to any failure or delay in receiving any Notifications (whether transmitted by electronic means or otherwise) or removal of any Suppliers/Service Providers from the List at any point of time, including but not limited to direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, damages for loss of profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss, even if the GFS has been advised of the possibility of such loss or damage, whether in contract or tort, or on any other legal or equitable grounds.
  3. Any Notifications or other communications from the GFS to the Suppliers/Service Providers shall be deemed to be received (i) if sent by post, the next business day in Hong Kong immediately after the date of despatch (Hong Kong time); and (ii) if sent by fax or email, when despatched, regardless of whether the Suppliers/Service Providers have actually received such Notifications or communications (as the case may be).